Teacher's Comments for Progress Report Card (Sample 3- Preschool)

-comprehends the lessons without difficulty. However, she needs to have more self- control in doing her work while seating properly.

-interest in art helps her to be more creative with her work. In addition, her oral and written skills also show notable development.

-finishes her tasks neatly without assistance from the teacher. Further, her academic performance specifically comprehending new concepts shows great progress.

-accomplishes her tasks within the given time. She can also express her ideas well during discussion and while playing with her friends.

-perceives and applies new lessons easily. He can also deal challenging situations with confidence.

-shows excellent effort in accomplishing her tasks thus enabling her to complete her goals for this term. She also exhibits the ability to manage her time effectively in diverse classroom activities and communicating in English. Further, she progresses in her Math subject and she demonstrates understanding in the number concept.

-progresses considerably in English communication. Her confidence afforded her the ability to face her tasks without fear thus she was able to complete her goals for this term. She also demonstrates the aptitude to do rote counting in Math.

-shows commendable effort in completing her tasks thus she was able to finish her goals this term. She can also deal with unfortunate situations without being afraid. She shows advancement in English communication but she needs to enhance her number recognition skills.

-persistence in doing her tasks greatly helped her with the completion of her goals this term. She also generates great deal of enthusiasm and happy disposition at work. She shows progress in Math lessons but she needs to put forth more effort in communicating in English.

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