Sample Conceptual Framework for Chapter 1-Thesis Writing

(From my thesis, “Enhancing Proficiency in Communication through Campus Journalism”)

In order to give substance to the purpose of the study, the conceptual framework of the study is presented. 

Figure 2. Conceptual Framework of the study depicting the profile variables, the controlled and experimental groups and the program of activities in campus journalism.

The left box represents the input or the profile variables of the study. It is composed of the grade in communication arts subjects (English and Filipino), general point average (GPA) in the previous academic year 2010-2011, and the result of pre-test in communication arts (English and Filipino).

The middle box presents the throughput of the study which deals on the processes done by the researcher through the respondents in gathering the needed data to complete the study. This was done through the creation of the experimental and the control groups. Both groups will be given a pre-test after which the experimental group would be provided with the campus journalism program in the allotted time. Further, they would be exposed in the making and editing of the school paper.

Thereafter, when the implementation of the campus journalism program to the experimental group is done, the post test will be given to both groups again. This would be conducted to determine any relevant difference with their result as compared with the control group.

Meanwhile, the right box presents the output of the study. It includes the program of activities in campus journalism which might be of help to secondary students to help them in strengthening their proficiency in communication.

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